I regularly collaborate with other fanatic Designers and Developers to deliver ultra-modern E-Commerce solutions. You just want a pretty site from scratch? I got you!
So how is any Startup or Small Business suppose to navigate and thrive in the high-tech and dynamic world of E-Commerce without an Online Store that sizzles and sells. If that thought has ever crossed your mind, worry no more! I provide high-end techinical solutions and handle all the heavy lifting, allowing you focus on growing your business
Slow loading site? I streamline your back-end, shape up your front-end and use the depth of my extensive knowledge and experience to give your impatient site visitors a better experience by optimizing page load-time and creating better Search Engine Ranking, turning mere visitors to your site into life long customers.
"There is no magic formula to a successful E-Commerce business. It is based on a number of factors, including demographics, dedication, even the consumer’s mood when they see your ad, but the right technical support is the Master Stroke !"
I work with data from HotJar and readings from your analytics tools to revamp your exisiting design & improve your checkout numbers.